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Terrorists launch new psychological drive against army

Terrorists of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have launched a new psychological campaign to hire recruits to fight against the Pakistan security forces, sources here revealed.

The campaign by the Pakistani Taliban, which seeks to hire simpletons for their depraved cause, now shows forged and doctored photographs of an alleged Pakistan Army tank destroyed in Swat, bodies of troops being eaten by dogs, torturing of Taliban prisoners, etc.

According to one source, the Taliban have also produced fake pictures, which show Pak Army troops resting and enjoying themselves with the US troops in mountainous areas. The source, who has himself seen the photographs, described them as amateurish and sham.

Concerned quarters have also revealed that the doctored material — interspersed with emotional but untruthful speeches and Jihadi music glorifying the Taliban cause and declaring the Pakistan Army as an enemy advancing foreign agenda — was being shown to prospective recruits.

Also shown are videos of Taliban successes like downing of US Chinook chopper in Afghanistan, IED operations against the Nato forces and cutting throats of an alleged spy.

It is clear that terrorists are abusing the golden principles of religion on a massive scale and twisting the religious teachings to further their despicable designs. Also, their foreign support is no longer a secret.

It should be noted that terrorists have recently tortured and killed more than 25 FC soldiers, who were kidnapped for ransom or for getting top militants’ leaders released in exchange. This gory episode has inflamed the concerned tribes, who may seek revenge against the terrorists.


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