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Perches of Taliban- Pak or Afghan!!

A clamorous question accustomed to be asked from across the AF-PAK border. Pakistan is bearing series of vilified and derogatory statements added with alleged sanctuaries given to Taliban for their fortification since 9/11. In US secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent visit to Pakistan, she accentuated Pakistan to “remove safe havens of militants in FATA and the continuing threats across the border to Afghans.”
The moot question is- IS IT TRUE????
Well Hillary, if I put myself in your shoe, I would also have done the same thing because of the ramifications being faced by NATO-ISAF across the border in the wake of the ‘So-called War in terror’. The highly trained coalition forces are miserably failed against the Taliban and their all expertise are undermined by Taliban guerrilla attacks.
So, as a super power you are prerogative to make Pakistan a fall-guy and can repeat your propensity to censure Pakistan to protect their borders. While talking about the facts in this connection, on October 17, 2011, ISPR spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas disclosed regarding insurgents’ infiltration in Pakistan, saying, “The attacks in which terrorists loyal to Maulvi Fazlullah, (leader of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan) who fled to Afghanistan during Swat military operation, killed about 100 members of Pakistan’s security forces.” He explained, “Pakistani Taliban insurgency is based in Kunar and Nuristan provinces in Afghanistan…we have given locations and information about these groups to the US-led forces” which had failed to hunt down a spate of cross-border raids.  
One cannot neglect that since April, 2011, heavily-armed insurgents from Afghanistan’s side are covertly entering in Pakistan’s region, targeting the security check posts and other infrastructure. On October 9, 2011, hundreds of insurgents attacked the Kakar checkpost in Upper Dir. During the assault, around 15 insurgents were killed and a soldier also lost his life. On August 27, 2011, some 300 militants attacked seven paramilitary check posts in Pakistan’s district of Chitral, killing more than 30 personnel of the security forces. In one of such major attacks, on June 1, 2011, more than 500 armed militants who entered Upper Dir area killed more than 30 police and paramilitary soldiers. Police said that well-trained terrorists, who targeted a check post, also destroyed two schools and several houses with rocket and gunfire attacks, while killing a number of innocent people. On June 3, 2011, 400 militants besieged the Pakistani area. Sources suggested that after a three-day gun battle, Pakistani security forces killed 71 Afghan Taliban.
Pakistan has been losing the precious lives of his soldiers for a long time, in order to exterminate subversive and sub-nationalist activities of ‘western funded’ infidels. The acolytes of devil are working hard to disintegrate Pakistan by slandering it with the stigma of ‘Safe havens are present in Pakistan’.
But we need to understand and retort to the rumor mongers that Pakistan is under a condition of war due to the insurgencies of Taliban with the covenant support of NATO-ISAF. So stop the blame game and try to cope with Taliban instead of nurturing them and don’t make Pakistan a scapegoat.



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