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Pakistan-retrospecting, contemporary and the prophecies

Islamic republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. The name Pakistan means Land of pure. Pakistan is strategically situated between the important regions of South Asia, central Asia and the greater Middle East. Pakistan gained independence from the clenches of British Empire in 14th of August, 1947 after a large massacre of Muslims. Pakistan possesses the eight largest armed military and is the only Muslim nation with the honor of nukes under her belt.
Since independence, Pakistan is continuously overwhelmed by both external and internal threats with a vicious thinking of splintering it. Besides political dissension, Pakistan is extremely influenced by foreign incursions, infiltrating the beliefs, customs and lifestyle of the residents of Pakistan and luring them towards apathy. Mongers are promulgating hatred and apostasy among the youth of Pakistan through the influence of media.
In a broader scope, India with its other accomplices including U.S.Z and Israel has launched a massive campaign to mislead the 60% youth of Pakistan. Antagonists are clandestinely fostering western culture in the minds of Paki infants and adults making them inveterate to their venom. If I mention the example of our infants, it amazes us to see a 1 year old child dancing and smiling on Indian songs and adding insult to injury, our parents are unconsciously indoctrinating that Indian culture in the minds of our infants just for the sake of humor.
Plight situation of Baluchistan and Karachi is also alarming due to severe sub-nationalist movements and Indian infiltration. It is quite legitimate to call Baluchistan liberation army (BLA) and Sindh liberation army (SLA), factions of R.A.W operating in Pakistan with an intrigue of complete destruction of Pakistan.
There have been certain prophecies about the future of Pakistan that it would be a failed state in a couple of years and there are very bleak chances of its resurgence. But as a Muslim we should have a belief that with the help of Allah Almighty, we as a nation juxtaposition with our army will thwart the evil designs of our enemies. Pak army is purging the inculcated hatred amid the Baluch and Sindhi people and with the grace of Allah our army has largely overcome the catastrophically bad situation of these areas. Now more than 5,000 Baluch youth has passed out recently from PMA and more than 10,000 students are enrolled in army as well. Besides this, army has placated Baluch people with the inauguration of Sui military college and turning Sui into educational city with their diligent efforts.
Accumulating aforesaid minutiae, things are getting serene in the disputed areas and anti-Pakistan and sub-nationalist movements are strangled with the conscientious efforts of Pak army and amity is achieved in those areas by ousting foreign elements with their nefarious designs.
Dr. Shafaq Rafeeq.


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