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India-A Hypocrite State

Indo-Pak relations are at nadir since the creation of Pakistan due to native dissension. Iqbal’s two nation theory explains all the differences between Hindu-Muslim communities. The gist of two nation theory is that their religion, language and ethnicity grapple each other and these two distinct nations can’t live together. Both countries have fought three wars till 1947. And now Hindu extremists have come up with a newer term ‘PSY WAR’ against Pak army and ISI. They are trying to prove ISI as a terrorist unit using media as his weapon of destruction.

Inter-service intelligence (ISI) is Pakistan’s premium secret agency, proved itself the best among all intel agencies. ISI has been retaliating every deterrence against Pakistan since 1948 successfully. Indians are using electronic media such as television, internet affluently for their vilified reporting against ISI. Smoldering Indians have series of heedless alleged accusations linked with ISI, and all of them are nothing but blatant lies.
From the independence, till now, series of allegations have been imposed on Pakistan and its hoist up Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI). And here is another tier of slander that ISI had backed the decade old hijack of IC-814, an Indian airplane.
Conspiracy aficionados have formulated yet another story, relating ISI and Pak army with the hijack of plane, with a decoy that they have incarcerated a Pakistani suspect Muhammad Adil and during investigation he divulged that he had meetings with Pak officials and ISI members in Karachi about the schemed plan. Suspect also revealed it’s relation with a succumb namely Mansur Hasnain, aka Sunny Ahmed Qazi, Alias Burger, who was also a resident of Karachi and allegedly involved in collusion of two anti-India operations. Indians have also asserted pressure that Burger was one of the terrorists who attacked Indian Parliament on 13 December, 2001 and was killed by their security forces.
There are rife moot questions arising from this allegation that Indians are simply morphing the incident by adding affluent predicaments. The frail drama of Indians can easily be judged by the fact that they are pointing out a person who has been shot down by themselves a decade back, and since now no one can retort on this doctored story, they are unfettered to censure ISI.
Battered Indians and their infamous RAW have a widespread spectrum of barbarism in Kashmir and Baluchistan, indoctrinating them to hate Pakistan. R.A.W has allegedly reported for the running of training camps in Baluchistan and Afghanistan, implanting sub-nationalism. But by the grace of Allah almighty, their heinous acts and nefarious designs could not be accomplished, as our Army and ISI will not give amnesty to these depraved peoples and they will be given ignominious defeat inshAllah.


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