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Reactivation of abandoned and low performing schools, FATA

Funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), CAMP rehabilitated and reactivated 25 government primary schools for girls in Mohmand agency. CAMP coordinated the activity closely with the Agency Education Office in Mohmand, and the FATA Secretariat.
The main objective of the project was to increase the enrollment of girls at primary level and increase the retention rate by improving the conditions of the schools. Besides the rehabilitation activity, the Project also formed Parents Teachers Associations (PTAs) in 25 schools. The Project also aimed to enhance capacity of the teachers from the selected schools in
school management and innovative skills for better skills transfer. Moreover, to improve the management and supervision at these schools, Parents Teachers Associations (PTAs) were also formed or reactivated.

At the end of the one-year Project, 25 Primary schools for girls were rehabilitated including: improved sanitation facilities, electrification of school buildings, plastering and whitewash, brick work and wood work, flooring, repairing of blackboards etc. The PTAs were strengthened and trained on various issues such as their roles and responsibilities, participatory problem solving techniques and techniques of supportive supervision etc. The Project also supported all 25 schools with note books for all students, uniforms (for 250 deserving students), Teacher Training Kits, furniture and water coolers etc.


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