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The Reprehensible and Disgusting Act of U.S Marines Regarding Urination On Dead Bodies Of Taliban

A video footage showing American soldiers urinating at the dead bodies of Taliban fighters is sparking a storm of anger and condemnations from Muslims around the world.

"We condemn this apparent desecration of the dead as a violation of our nation's military regulations and of international laws of war prohibiting such disgusting and immoral actions.

"If verified as authentic, the video shows behavior that is totally unbecoming of American military personnel and that could ultimately endanger other soldiers and civilians.”

The video shows four men in camouflage Marine combat uniforms urinating on three Taliban corpses.
One of the men jokes: "Have a nice day, buddy." Another makes a lewd joke.

“We are shocked to see representatives of so called "great" nation engaging in behavior that disrespects America.

“This behavior is against the military's code of conduct as well and the Geneva Convention's rules on prisoners of war.”

Muslim groups warned that the behavior risks to fuel anti-America sentiments around the world.
“All human beings are endowed with sanctity and dignity in both life and death. The behavior evidenced in this video is morally reprehensible and should be condemned by the United States government in the strongest terms.”

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) also called for punishing the soldiers over the behavior.
“It is important these individuals be reprimanded for the international community to see that we will not tolerate the desecration of human life in such a manner.”


{ Asif } at: February 15, 2012 at 5:18 AM said...

they are killing machine have no morale

{ Unknown } at: November 30, 2013 at 5:53 PM said...

i would have pissed on them too

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