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Indian Army(Aman Ki Aasha) Atrocities in Kashmir- HATE INDIA

Since 1990, planned and organized secessionist-terrorism has brutalized Kashmir, the valley of peace and exquisite beauty. Systematic efforts have been made to destroy its syncretic culture, traditions, and heritage, by an orgy of mindless violence fueled by religious fanaticism and extremism, aided and abetted from across India's borders.
Terrorism has taken the lives of more than 2000 innocent men, women and

Innocent victims of Pakistan's Terrorism.
children; the terrorists have indulged wantonly in abduction, rape, murder, arson, extortion and looting. Government officials, political leaders and workers, members of judiciary, print and electronic presspersons, and prominent citizens have been threatened, attacked and killed. Religious "codes of conduct" have been imposed on common people, and there has been large scale destruction of public and private property including over 400 secular state schools. More than 350,000 people of the minority community have had to flee their homes in the valley and today live as refugees in other parts of their own state and country. This is the "accomplishment" of the secessionists proxy-war in Kashmir. The illustrations in the following pages give a glimpse of this unfortunate chapter of violence and destruction in the modern history of Kashmir. It is this calculated and ruthless attack on the innocent, all in the name of an illusionary "independence," that is the ultimate negation of the human rights of any people.
Please watch this Video as well and get united with our Kashmiri brothers and sisters.


{ Raj } at: May 14, 2014 at 5:54 AM said...

You dickhead, this picture is of a Kashmiri Pandit, killed by Pakistani and Kashmiri Extremists.

{ Neeraj choudhary } at: January 19, 2019 at 5:42 AM said...

stop misguiding people every know what Pakistani army did in j and k

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