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NATO Running out of Diapers due to Pak Blockade

This might seem unbelievable to you but this is for real — US army uses pampers while fighting Taliban Mujahideen and Muslims )) and now due to the blockade by Pakistan, they have run out of their pampers !! )). Now this is some crisis a mighty “super power” is facing, ISLAMABAD: Technologically well equipped and facility-wise pampered, the US-led Nato forces, which are already eating dust in Afghanistan at the hands of Taliban, are finding it impossible to fight as they don’t have “diapers to wear”.

A diplomatic source said that the Nato supply line cut by Pakistan has hurt the US-led Nato forces in many ways, including the severe shortage of diapers for the US-Nato soldiers. Spokesman for the US Embassy in Islamabad when contacted referred this correspondent to the Isaf spokesman in Afghanistan, arguing that he is neither a soldier nor does know that the US Marines and Nato soldiers wear diapers while fighting their war against Taliban inside Afghanistan.

Although, the Isaf spokesman did not come up with his response, a Google search on the matter revealed that the diaper shortage crisis faced by the US-led Nato forces in Afghanistan was first reported by an Urdu daily early last month. In addition, a lot of discussion in different blogs is going on over the shortage of diapers, tissues and chicken in Afghanistan.

Independent analysts said modified diapers might be useful to US soldiers who can’t leave their tanks or armored vehicles in combat situations.


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