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People of Chitral appreciate Pakistan Army for opening Lawari tunnel road

Chitral - Services of 101 Engineering Battalion of Pakistan Army was highly appreciated by social and political cicle of Chitral according to Ground Report. Lawari top is the only land route connecting Chitral to other parts of the country which was remaining close for all type of vehicular traffic for weeks during winter season after snowfall.
But after handing over maintenance of road and construction of Lawari tunnel to Frontier Works Organization (FWO) and 101 Engineering Battalion of Pakistan Army it remain open day and night for all type of traffic.
Cops of 101 Engineering under auspices of Lt Col Usman commanding Officer working day and night and remove snow and glaciers (slides ) from main road. As well as their bulldozer pushing loaded trucks and pulling small vehicles when ever they strain in slippery snow bound road.
As well as snow cutter machine is also busy in removing snow from road and play vital role in restoring traffic on Lawari tunnel road. People of Chitral are very much pleased and thankful to 101 Engineering Battalion of Pak Army for open lawari tunnel road for all type of vehicular traffic day and night.


{ Asif } at: February 15, 2012 at 9:29 PM said...

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