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RAW and CIA nexus Nurturing TTP and Al Qaida


Trying to cut off funding for the Pakistani Taliban is no small challenge, but some Pakistanis can at least identify its sources.

“There are countless sources of Taliban funding: particularly, donations from local and foreign sympathizers/ agencies, hijacking of NATO trucks, high-profile kidnappings and funds sent by those Jihadists living abroad or running their businesses in Pakistan”.

Recently, the three arrested members of a militants’ gang especially deputed by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and Al Qaida have disclosed that RAW has been funding suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan and that the Indian agency has funneled Rs 680 million through its links with the Afghan secret agency.

The gang of three persons has brazenly admitted that they belong to the group of persons who had been deputed to ‘destabilize democratic Pakistan’.

The accused were hardened militants and took a lot of time to break in and make confessions. They revealed that Qari Hussain had been working under the umbrella of CIA and RAW to help three adjutants—Farukh Usman alias Shahjee, Tayyab alias Baba; Ustad, the trainer to destabilize democratic government.

Qari Hussain, the leader, prepares suicide bombers and dispatches them
throughout Pakistan. He also manages funds for the splinter groups from RAW which works in collusion with the Afghan intelligence agency RAM.

The team also members disclosed that they had arrested two prime targets and they both had a head money of $5 million each but the reward money was shared by the two premier agencies instead passing it on to the individuals who had arrested them on their own initiative.

RAW and CIA Exposed- Blatant Involvment in Missing Persons Cases in Baluchistan


Do NOT panic. InshAllah, Baluchistan is not going anywhere. The enemies and the traitors within cannot break away Baluchistan. There is a deliberate information war by the likes of SAFMA to create the hype to give this perception that Pakistan is breaking up. Stay firm and stay united. There is no power on earth which can undo Pakistan, InshAllah.

Baluchistan is 42 % of Pakistan territory. Its population is only 4% of Pakistan, about 8 million. Out of this, nearly 5 million are Pashtuns, Brahwis, Makranis, Punjabis and Sindhi Pakistani Muslims who have no problem at all. Within the Baluch Muslims Pakistanis, 90% are with Pakistan alhamdolillah. The separatists are just a few thousand misguided men from only 4 districts out of 28 districts of the province.

Hyberyar Marri, Brahmadagh Bugti and Attaullah Mengal are taking help from US and India to wage a war against Pakistan but the reality is even within Bugti and marri tribe, there are thousands of youth who are great patriot Muslims and love Pakistan.

Nawab Akbar Bugti had exiled his own tribe of Raheja, Kalpar and Messori sub-tribes into Multan and Dera Ghazi Khan for 15 years and had taken over their lands in Sui and Dera Bugti. He persecuted his own Baluch people and killed his own family members for demanding rights.

This is where Pakistan army intervened in 2004 to protect Baluch Bugti tribe from the crimes of Akbar Bugti in 2004 and helped the Kalpar, Messori and Raheja Bugtis to come back to their native lands. Upon this Akbar Bugti started a war against Pakistan and was then chased out into the hills where he committed suicide. Yes, Akbar Bugti committed suicide and he was NOT killed by the army.
Today, the MNA from dera Bugti is Mir Ahmadan Bugti, a patriotic Raheja Baluch, a first cousin of Akbar Bugti, who was exiled with over a hundred thousand Baluchs by Akbar Bugti. Army brought him back. He is the MNA and has been elected by the entire Bugti tribe and he defends Pakistan against terrorists of Brahmadagh Bugti. You hear the interviews of Brahmadagh in this SAFMA controlled media but you never hear the voice of Mir Ahmadan Bugti, the real patriotic Bugti Baluch Muslim and Pakistani! This is how media manipulates the truth. Go and ask Mir Ahmadan Bugti about the truth of Bugtis being against Pakistan and he will show you how proud Bugtis stand with Pakistan!

There is no government in Pakistan today, even in Islamabad and the country is in a state of war being invaded by enemies from all sides. If Pakistan army does not stop the TTP and the BLA terrorists, the country would be destroyed by now. That is why you see all the fake propaganda against the missing persons and army atrocities against the Baluch. In reality, FC and Pak army are defending Pakistan against Indian backed insurgencies where even the CIA is involved. There is a massive infighting between the BRA and BLA also where both groups are killing each other for weapons, money and turf. They kill each other and then blame army for the murders. Many have gone to Afghanistan for training and their families register them as missing persons. This is all part of the war against Pak army and the media is fuelling this war.

Americans want to take over Gawader. The recent resolution in US congress has encouraged the exiled separatists that they can use the CIA and India for a Libyan styled invasion. Never InshAllah! As long as Pakistan can block the NATO supplies, US do not have the resources and the weapons to make a landing at Gawader. If we release the supplies, then the Americans can make such a plan but even then, there will be fighting but Baluchistan can never be separated from Pakistan, InshAllah.

The situation in Baluchistan is NOT like of East Pakistan. The few thousand insurgents can blow up few pipelines and kills a few Muslims and soldiers but they can never break Pakistan which is under the shadow of Rasul Allah (sm).
Even today, from Governor to Chief Minister to ministers, all are Baluch in the government. The President of Pakistan is also a Baluch. Farooq Leghari was a Baluch also. Mazari was the prime Minister and was a Baluch also. Jamali was the PM and was a Baluch also. Baluchis Pakistanis Muslims from Baluchistan have reached the highest offices of this country. If Baluchistan have not received developments, they are responsible, not the army or the ISI. The whole country is suffering today not just Baluchistan.

We invite all Baluch youth to join hands with us in Takmeel e Pakistan to bring in the system of Khilafate Rashida so that all zulm can be eliminated and due rights can be shared within Muslims. But we will fight against all those who want to break the Pakistan of Rasul Allah (sm). By Allah, we will!

Gen.Kayani Visits Skardu – Appreciates troops Devotion


Rawalpindi - Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Skardu and Forward Locations at Minimerg and Domel Sectors in Gilgit Baltistan, today said a military statement.

The COAS was briefed about the current internal security situation of the region, in the aftermath of shahadat of 18 innocent citizens at Harban Nullah, Dassu on 28 February 2012.

He instructed the local commanders to extend full cooperation to Civil Administration in maintenance of law and order.

Later, the COAS met troops deployed in sub zero temperatures, at the highest mountainous region anywhere in the world. He commended their selfless devotion and fortitude in braving the rough weather and performing duties in an area where even survival is an achievement.

COAS was accompanied by Lieutenant General Khalid Nawaz, Commander Rawalpindi Corps.

Pakistani army defied WikiLeaks' Osama allegations


Islamabad, Feb 29 (IANS) Pakistani army Tuesday denied whistleblowing website WikiLeaks cable's allegation, suggesting Pakistan military and the main intelligence officials were aware of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad city.

The US military killed bin Laden May 2, 2011, leaving the Pakistan government embarrassed over his presence in the country, Xinhua reported.

According to a WikiLeaks report, officials of the Pakistan army and spy agency Inter-State Services (ISI) knew about bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad.

Pakistani army's spokesman Major General Athar Abbas denied the allegations about contacts between Pakistani intelligence officials and bin Laden.

Gen. Abbas rejected what he called the so called "leaks", saying that they were nothing but a pile of a baseless fabrication.

"These charges are not new. These leaks are actually old wine in new bottle", he said.

On Monday, WikiLeaks published over five million emails from US-based global security analysis firm Stratfor. The messages were reportedly stolen by hacker group Anonymous.

"Mid to senior level ISI and Pak military, with one retired Pak military General, had knowledge of the OBL (Osama bin laden) arrangements and safe house," Online news agency quoted Fred Burton, Stratfor vice-president for intelligence, as writing in an email.

The email was reportedly written May 13 to one of the company's regional directors for South Asia soon after the killing of the Al Qaeda chief.

Join Pakistan Army as Officer – 24th Technical Cadet Course


Registration for 24th Technical Cadet Course is starting from 28 February till 15 March 2012 (Including Satuday/Sunday).

The Preliminary Tests ‘ll be held from 19 March- 30 March 2012 (Except Satuday/Sunday/Close Holidays) reported PakSoldiers.Com.

Eligibility Conditions are as follow:



17 – 21 years on 1st September 2012 (relaxable for three months both in upper and lower age limit)









Citizens of Pakistan, domiciles holders of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit Baltistan. Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities other than Pakistani.



(1) Minimum Height – 5’-4” (162.5 cm)

(2) Weight – As per Body Mass Index



FSc (Pre Engineering) Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry / Computer Studies / Computer Science with minimum 65% marks or ‘O’ level passed (English being compulsory) in five subjects and ‘A’ level passed in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry / Computer Studies/Computer Science in Grade A-C.

(1) Candidates possessing qualifications such as ‘O’ level and ‘A’ level etc will be required to obtain Equivalence Certificate and conversion of marks from Inter Board of Chairmen Committee (IBCC), Ministry of Education, Islamabad and attach it with the application form.

(2) Candidates who have passed FSc Part-I Examination with minimum 65% marks and appeared/are appearing in
FSc Part-II / Final Examination can also apply on “HOPE Certificates” duly issued by the Head of the institutions.

(3) Candidates with Computer Science instead of Chemistry in FSc can apply for Computer Software Engineering only.

Ineligibility Conditions:

a.“Not Recommended” twice by ISSB / GHQ Selection Board.

b. Declared medically unfit by concerned CMH / Appeal Medical Board.

c. Enrolled cadets and recruits withdrawn/resigned/discharged/dismissed from Armed Forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) training academies/institutions on grounds of discipline, character, medical, inefficiency, weak profile, or declared unsuitable.

d. An individual dismissed / removed from any other Government Service.

e. Diploma holders.

f. Convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.

g. Those studying in any of the Armed Forces Institutions/Academies or nominated against reserved defence quota seats / studying a Paying Cadet in any of the Armed Forces Technical Colleges.

Registration Process :

A candidate can register on Official Website of Pakistan Army. Date and time of test shall be intimated on internet, for which the individual should have an e-mail account. Candidates will report on exact date and time given for preliminary test on computerized roll no slip. Date once given will not be changed. Candidates will also bring along documents mentioned in para 6 and will pay prospectus fee on the day of test. Candidates MUST attain working knowledge of computer.

Contact your nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centre for Registration:

Candidates may report at nearest AS&RCs for registration / allotment of roll no along with necessary documents mentioned in para 6 and the prospectus fee for completion of registration formalities. Candidates will bring these documents on the day of test as well.

AS&RC Telephone
AS&RC Telephone
(1) Peshawar 091-201-35885 (2) Rawalpindi 051-561-34137
(3) Lahore 042-6699-35885 (4) Multan 061-531-35885
(5) Hyderabad 0222-791-35885 (6) Karachi 021-560-35885
(7) Quetta 081-2490-35885 (8) Gilgit 05811-961-35885


If you are calling from Mobile, call from WARID on these given numbers.

Written Test:

Written test will be based on multiple choice questions from English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry / Computer Studies / Computer Science (Only for CS students). The candidates declared successful in written test, will undergo physical tests at AS&RCs.

Physical Test:

Candidates are required to qualify following physical tests as under:-

(a) 1.6 km Run 8 1/2 Minutes
(b) Push Ups 15 Repetitions in 2 Minutes
(c) Sit Ups 15 Repetitions in 2 Minutes
(d) Chin Ups 3 Repetitions in 2 Minutes
(e) Ditch Crossing 7’4” x 7’4” with a depth of 4’
Preliminary Medical Tests:
Candidates will undergo initial medical test at AS&RCs.
Further Selection:
Short listed candidates will receive notice for ISSB tests through website as well as call up letters. Medical examination of ISSB recommended candidates will be carried out at nearby CMHs. Final selection will be made at GHQ on the basis of candidate’s overall performance. Allocation of disciplines will be made due considration to merit, choice and service requirements. Allotment of discipline/decision of GHQ will be final and no representation in this regard or request for change in discipline allotted will be entertained.
S/No. Discipline Duration 4 years at
(1) Civil Engineering Military College of Engineering Risalpur (NUST)
(2) Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering M­ilitary College of Signals Rawalpindi (NUST)
(3) Computer Software Engineering
(4) Electrical Engineering College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Rawalpindi (NUST)
(5) Mechanical Engineering
(6) Computer Systems Engineering
(7) Mechatronics Engineering
(8) Aeronautical Engineering College of Aeronautical Engineering, Risalpur (NUST)
Military Training:
One year military training at PMA Kakul, after obtaining Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Degree.
Documents Required at Army Selection Centres

1. Original Certificate / detailed Marks Sheet of Matric/FSc/Equivalent certificate. In case of ‘O’ Level / ’A’ Level, submission of Equivalence Certificate issued by IBCC is mandatory.

2. Computerized National Identity Card for 18 years and above or Computerized Form “B” along with Guardian’s Computerized National Identity Card (Father or Mother) for candidates less than 18 years of age.

3. One set of attested photocopies of above mentioned documents.

4. 6 x Colour Photos (duly attested front and back) by Principal/Class-1 Gazetted Officer.

5. Original as well as 3 x photocopies of ISSB “NOT RECOMMENDED” letter are also required for Repeater Candidates.

Important NOTE.

Old National Identity Card and Form “B” will not be accepted.

12 Indian Army soldiers killed in Kashmir avalanches


12 Indian Army soldiers killed in Kashmir avalanches

Two massive avalanches in Indian-occupied Kashmir killed at least 11 soldiers, and at least eight others were feared trapped in a military camp that was partially buried under snow, an official said Thursday. Col. K.S. Grewal said three of the soldiers were killed in the mountainous area of Sonamarg and eight were killed at a large army camp in Dawar, a town close to the heavily militarized cease-fire line that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan. The avalanche struck at 9.15 pm last night but information about the tragedy started trickling in this morning as Gurez Valley is cut off from rest of the country due to heavy snowfall during winter.

Pakistan Army Conducting War Exercise near Jehlum


Pakistan Army is conducting war exercise at Tilla Field Firing Ranges near Jhelum reported PakSoldiers.Com.

According to military sources large number of troops are participating in the exercise. Gujranwala Corps Commander Lieutenant General Raheel Shareef visited the field area and witnessed the exercise. Corps commander was briefed on the tactical setting of the exercise by the field commanders on the occasion.

Raheel Shareef witnessed the firing of Artillery and heavy Infantry weapons during the exercise.

He appreciated the morale, skilful planning and conduct of exercise and highly commended the tactical skills as well as accurate firing standard of the troops. He lauded endurance and standard of professional readiness of Soldiers. During this exercise Director General Military training and General Officer Commanding (GOC) were also present.

Job Opportunities in Pak Army