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War on terror: Pak army offered 13,000 lives

Pak army has conducted over 850 operations in war on terror in the last 3 years in tribal areas.

According to sources, a time-frame of three years was set for the operation against extremists in tribal areas that started in 2009. The Pak army has conducted 241 operations of brigade and above level while 650 operations were carried out at battalion level.
However, army equivalent to 4 divisions was functional during Swat operation.
The sources reveal that three of the ISI regional headquarters were targeted by suicide bombers out of five during 2009-2012. Uptill now, 250 officers of intelligence agencies have been martyred in the war on terror.
Further details reveal that the families of army personnel deployed in operational areas also receive death threats.
According to sources, 40 percent of the Pakistan army comprising 230,000 personnel is being deployed in the eastern and western borders carrying out peace mission of United Nations.


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