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MEMOGATE~ Government's ill will to defame Pak Army Nailed

Despite having a ‘deep desire’ to see the government complete its term, the army and intelligence chiefs could simply not ignore the rumors surrounding the memogate scandal in spite of defaming them. Government was caught red-handed in its treachery, courtesy the memogate scandal of Traitor Hussain Haqqani, and their masters in White House tried their level best to save the government.

Mansoor Ijaz, an American business man exposed that controversy in his article also claimed that he has proofs with him about the conversation between him and Hussain haqqani about the memogate. An accuse which was blatantly defied by the Government and now If the government is being honest about the memo being nothing more than a piece of paper that has no existence, then why is it putting in so much effort to prevent Ijaz from appearing before the judicial commission that has been set up by the Supreme Court.

According to the recent statements by Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Ijaz will be apprehended when he arrives in Pakistan and his name will be added to the Exit Control List (ECL) through the approval of Parliamentary Committee of National Security. The only purpose of giving such a statement at a time when the Pakistani American businessman is due to record his statement before the judicial commission is to keep him away from the commission. The incessant intimidation by Gov to Mansoor Ijaz, abstained him to enter Pakistan which was portrayed as a ploy of Pakistan Army in order to contort the facts.

While in response to the ill will of government in wake of defaming Army, one should not be oblivious of Gen Kayani statement that there is no threat to democracy in Pakistan and the Army would continue to support the democratic process. On the other hand, character assassination of Mansoor Ijaz was also orchestrated by the Government of Pakistan to instill an image in general public that his reports about memogate are spurious as his own character is dubious. And now as the gov's ploy about Masoor is succeeded, it has started accusing Pak Army that it has stipulated with Mansoor Ijaz to stay quite. But these frail concoctions of Government are not going to end in their favor and this whole episode, instead of being celebrated, should be taken as a humbling experience for our media and institutions. They need serious soul searching after this.


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