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Pak Army - Let Martyred Soldiers Defend Siachen


According to the media reports dead body of a Sep Muhammad Hussain, Shaheed has been recovered on the 50th day of Rescue Operation in Gayari Sector. The soldier’s body would be sent to his native village located near Skardu.

On 7 April 2012 an Avalanche has hit 138 officers, soldiers and civilians at Gayari sector near Siachen Glacier. Lt Col Tanvir Ul Hassan, Maj ZakaUlHaq and Capt HaleemUllah (AMC) are part of the missing soldiers.

The incident occurred at about an altitude of 16,000 feet and 180 miles northeast of Skardu, the capital of Baltistan. President Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, Army Chief, PML (N) leader Nawaz Sharif, COAS General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, leading journalists and media anchors visited Siachen. Whole nation expressed deep sorrow and regret over the “unfortunate snow slide”. The nation has shown solidarity with the aggrieved families of the soldiers and is continuously praying for their survival and safety.

However, the rescue operation is underway and entered into 50th day of the operation. Despite weather hazards, brave Pakistani troops with the help of experts from Germany, Switzerland, Xinhua and sniffer dogs, aided by helicopters and heavy equipment are recklessly trying to find their comrades under 80 feet deep snow after the avalanche engulfed the camp in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

According to ISPR update of May 22, 2012, “clearance efforts continued round the clock at Gayari Sector. Simultaneous efforts are being undertaken to tackle effects of water on the site in the shape of pondages, cutting and crevasses. The water has started draining and has resulted into quick reduction of water level in the lake to the tune of 27 feet”.

“Excavation work has resumed its full pace despite difficulties posed by seepage of the water at the sites, hazards of crevasses / cutting by water and sinking effects for plant equipment”.“Meanwhile during physical inspection of the area, some equipment was found”.

Notably, COAS General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is directly looking after the rescue efforts and being courageous commander determined to excavate each inch of the area in the search of his brave soldiers. I, being his cadet and retired commander of “The Volunteers” (an infantry unit that served in Siachen Sector) can visualize the importance of search of the bodies of martyred soldiers for their comrades and families. But still, as fighter, familiar with the circumstances where many soldiers laid their lives in the war zones and area like Siachen but still their bodies did not recover or traced out due to topography, unfavorable environmental conditions and weather hazards. It doesn’t mean that soldiers do not remember their comrades or nation forget its heroes those scarified their lives for their tomorrows. But, I would only say that while viewing the efforts of rescue operation, we must consider the ground realties too. Moreover, being Muslims, we fully convinced and have full faith that person who gets martyr in Allaha’s path, will remain alive and never dies. Thus, it would not be wrong in saying that soldiers who had scarified their lives for us would be taken as everlasting invisible guardian of Pakistan’s territorial boundaries. I also know that some loves one of the missing soldiers of Gayari Sector are in the opinion that now search of the bodies of missing personnel be stopped and they should be declared as Shaheed (martyr) since it is difficult to fight the nature.

On May 3 2012, father of Major Zaka, who came under avalanche accompanied COAS during his visit to Siachen, while talking to journalist appreciated the efforts of troops participating in rescue operation. He also stated that he is proud of his son and other soldiers who scarified their lives. According to ISPR press release, at that occasion, COAS remained with the troops for some time and lauded their motivation in face of tough conditions and extreme weather. He appreciated their resolve to upkeep Army’s proud tradition of not leaving a man behind, until humanly possible, regardless of cost.

Anyhow, being one of the old warriors of Siachen, I know that after passing 50 days the chances of survival of soldiers buried under 80 feet of snow are very rare and meager. By now, the dead bodies might also be started decomposition because of natural phenomena.

Moreover after two months time the temperature will again start decreasing which will definitely make the snow harder and harder. I would like to suggest here that “Let Martyred Soldiers should stay there to Defend Siachen” and now army should start taking steps of compensation of the aggrieved families while declaring their loves one as martyred. Moreover over, in the honor of country’s defenders, Army should build a memorial in Gayari sector. The memorial will keep us reminding about our brave soldiers those are there to defend our territories.

I would also like to mention few words of Indian Army Chief Interview of May 26 2012. In this interview, he instead acknowledging and giving serious thoughts over Pakistani COAS to de-militarize Siachen area rejected the same while considering his troops in the better deployment position where as it just amount to live in fool paradise. Indian Chief must consider the weather hazards and expenditures incurring on Siachen Issue. He should not forget his causalities which are more than Pakistani casualties.

Pentagon Says al-Qaida Still has Safe Haven Inside Afghanistan


WASHINGTON — The Pentagon says al-Qaida still enjoys safe haven in some areas of eastern Afghanistan, and its presence worries the top American commander there.

Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby says Wednesday that al-Qaida has found places it can plan and train, but he was not specific about its locations.

Kirby was responding to questions about the announcement that the U.S.-led NATO force had killed al-Qaida’s second-ranking leader in Afghanistan in an airstrike in eastern Kunar province, which borders Pakistan. He says “any number” of al-Qaida in Afghanistan is a matter of concern for Marine Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces there.

Pak Army's Staunch Efforts for Prosperity in Balochistan


QUETTA – The development and prosperity of Balochistan will contribute towards a peaceful and progressive Pakistan, and the Army would continue to play its part in the security of the country, said Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani during his visited Sui Cantonment Monday.

He inaugurated Military College and also announced establishment of Education City in Sui. The Governor and the Chief Minister Balochistan inaugurated Academic Block and Hostel of Balochistan Public School, Sui respectively. A large number of parliamentarians, Baloch tribal elders, military officials and locals were present at the occasion.

The governor and the Chief Minister Balochistan appreciated the efforts of the Army in bringing education and social development to remote areas of Balochistan.

In his address, the COAS spoke about various projects initiated by the Pakistan Army, with the support of locals and the provincial government. In the education field, he said that presently 22,786 Baloch students are studying in the Army- and Frontier Corps-run educational institutions. In addition, 4,268 Baloch students are benefitting from Chamlang Beneficiary Education Programme, whereas 662 Baloch students are studying in reputed institutions of other provinces.

To enhance technical skills of Baloch youth for better job opportunities, Balochistan Institute of Technical Education (BITE) managed by the Pakistan Army, has thus far trained 1,673 individuals. In this regard, Gwadar Institute of Technical Education will also start functioning soon. The COAS hoped that establishment of Education City at Sui will open new avenues for the development and prosperity in remote areas of Balochistan. With regards to Army’s contributions in development of other social sectors in Balochistan, the COAS mentioned about Chamlang Project which created job opportunities for approx 74,052 locals. Besides, a 50 bed hospital is being constructed at Sui under Army’s supervision and with the support of Pakistan Petroleum Limited, to improve health facilities in the area.

Pak Army Launched Operation Koh-e-Safaid 2


Building a ray of hope in the darkness, The Pakistan Army has successfully completed its Tri Star operations in FATA including Operation Koh-e-Safaid 2 in its adjacent agencies and in Swat to flush out terrorists. Pakistan’s military has finally managed to dismantle militant bases in this critically important region, famous for its rebel movements and legendary tales of resistance.

The successful completion of an army operation against a band of militants in the region, Pakistan’s military chief, General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani visit to Orakzai marked the end of the military operation in the region, and that people displaced due to the war could expect to return to their homeland soon. Army Chief Visit to Orakzai Agency marks the successful conclusion of operations in the agency. He appreciated the professional conduct of the operation which has cleared the agency of terrorists and encourages his soldiers.

Operation Koh-e-Sufaid had been launched to clear the area of militants whose fighting had increased the incidence of sectarian killings, kidnapping, and extortion in the agency. Pakistan army was also taken very peacefully into Khyber agency and “No-go areas” such as Kurram agency. Pakistan army gained control of Orakzai Agency. By the grace of Allah security forces have secured Malakand and Swat from all directions and very soon the dislocated people of these areas will be going back to their homes.

Pakistan Army has completed the offensive in the tribal region of South Waziristan. The successful military offensive earlier this year in the Swat Valley against militants led by a local radical cleric. There was strong public support for the offensive in South Waziristan.

The Pakistan Prime Minister paid rich tributes to Jawans and Officers of Pakistan Army and personnel of law enforcement agencies who embraced martyrdom for their country and nation in the operation.

Proud To Pakistan Army. Pakistan Zindabad!!!

Pakistan Army Incessantly developing FATA


PESHAWAR - Corps Commander Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani Tuesday said around 3300 Pakistan Army personnel have embraced martyrdom in the ongoing war against terrorism and more than 10,000 received severe injuries in different military operations.

“We and the whole nation feel proud of our martyrs, who embraced martyrdom by sacrificing their lives for peace on the homeland in a war where there is only one option for us “as Pakistanis” and that is to win it,” Corps Commander Peshawar said while addressing one day seminar titled ‘War on Terror and Role of Pak Army’ here at Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Conference Hall, University of Peshawar. The seminar was organised by Department of Political Science.

The corps commander said that Pakistan Army has conducted more than 300 major and 760 minor operations in militancy-hit areas in the last few years, most of them in the year 2009-10. He added that peace has been restored in entire north of Pakistan and road accesses to majority of Fata have been established.

From the year 2008 to 2012, writ of government has been established in 91 per cent of Fata while eight per cent remain in contested control. Army is working on the sustainable development plan in order to improve the livelihood condition of ordinary people in Fata, he added.

The Commander mentioned 52 ongoing educational projects under Pak Army especially the establishment of Cadet College in South Waziristan Agency, Khyber Institute of Technical Education and Waziristan Institute of Technical education as a major development in improving skill and quality education among people of Fata.

Gen Rabbani categorically stated that no army in the world can win war without the support of its countrymen.

He described political ownership of military operation and operation within tribal system as the way forward in achieving long lasting peace in Pakistani militancy hit areas.

He termed gradual mainstreaming of Fata and its infrastructure development as key towards its socio economic development.

Replying to a question raised by a student, Rabbani said that army remains in a particular area for attaining pace on requisition of the federal government.

He also rejected the perception that army consumes eighty percent of the budget, and explained that all the three forces i.e. Army, Air force and Navy consume 17 per cent of the total budget, in which army share is 8.7 per cent. He stressed the need for perception management of the country and described Pakistani media as key partner in achieving it.

The seminar is a sign of solidarity with our army who are sacrificing their lives for peace within the country, said Prof Dr AZ Hilali, Chairman Department of Political Science. He said that department of political science has been arranging series of national and international seminars on core issues confronting the country and the region for capacity building of the students.

The seminar was attended by Registrar, UoP Dr Fazli Hadi, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Prof Naeem ur Rehman, Dean Faculty of Arts and Humanities Prof. Dr Farooq Swati and a good number of students.

A Prayer for my Lost Brothers at Gayari Sector


A prayer for my lost brothers at Gayari

Waiting for a loved one is an awful feeling. But if you have to wait for them, knowing that they are in a very dangerous place, is a feeling that cannot be explained in words. And the relief that you experience when the loved one returns safely is beyond expression. I feel for the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of the men we lost in Siachen and pray that they find peace in the afterlife. The ISPR (Inter Services Public Relations) has released the list of those 139 soldiers trapped underneath the glacier. Those 139 men belong to every nook and cranny of the country. I have seen reporters taking interviews of the fathers, sons, wives and sisters. While some had tears in their eyes, some did not have the strength to talk. But I was surprised to see that there was not an iota of regret. As I write this letter, the rescue operation is still underway. These 139 men have actually given us hope. A hope for peace! A hope for harmony and strength! I have read memoirs of soldiers who had gone on to become generals of Pakistan Army. These 139 men have made that same journey. For me all those 139 Jawans have now become Generals.

the Rise of FATA - Pakistan Army Successful Law Enforcement Operations


Koh-e-Safaid mountain range with highest peak of Sikaram Sar which forms a natural boundary and water shed with Afghanistan is situated in Kurram agency. It remains covered with snow throughout the year, luring nature lovers and captivating them in its fascinating beauty. Kurram valley starts from Thall in Hangu district towards northwest upto Peiwar Kotal on Pak Afghan border. It can be divided into two parts i.e. the Lower Kurram and the Upper Kurram. The lower Kurram extends from Thall in Hangu district to Sadda.

But due to some sectarian disputes, since last two years, the allured valley was under the influence of feuding quarrels regarding sect, and getting the benefit of this worse situation an infamous organization Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP) played its role to further aggravate sectarianism and launched terrorism and felony against the people of Kurram valley in order to accomplish their vicious intrigue to bring chaos and disarray in Pakistan. TTP is a banned organization involved in a number of suicide attacks, killing dozens of innocent people with bastion in South Waziristan agency.

Battered people of kurram agency requested Pak army to take charge of miscreants and an operation “KOH-E-SAFAID” was launched against TTP in July 2011 in order to annihilate the infidel cadre. With the arrival of Pak army in Kurram agency, the obdurate organization got no way out but to hide in mountains and to amalgamate in normal people for deception and ambush. But the evildoers didn’t know the fortified Pak army which took control of the situation in a very small amount of time and diminished the mongers of Satan and ousting the remaining out of the valley. With the conscientious efforts of Pak army, Thal-Parachanar road is also reopened after years which is really appreciated by the public. Now displaced people are back to their homes and army is helping poor people to settle down their once again in amity with each other.

Pakistan Army Relentless Efforts to Stabilize FATA


PESHAWAR: No army in the world could win war without the support of its countrymen and political ownership of the ongoing military operations in militancy-hit areas of the country was necessary to achieve long-lasting peace, Peshawar Corps Commander Lt-Gen Khalid Rabbani said .

Addressing participants of a seminar on ‘War on terror and role of Pakistan Army’ at University of Peshawar (UoP), the corps commander said from 2008 to 2012, the government’s writ had been re-established in 91 per cent of Fata, while the situation in the remaining areas was under control.

He said around 3,300 Pakistan Army personnel had lost lives in the line of duty in the war against terrorism and more than 10,000 had been severely injured in various operations.

“We and the whole nation feel proud of those, who have laid lives for peace in a war where there is only one option for us and that is to win it,” he said

Lt-Gen Khalid said Pakistan Army had conducted more than 300 major and 760 minor operations in militancy-hit areas over the last few years, mostly in 2009-10. He said peace had been restored in the entire northern region of Pakistan and road accesses to most of Fata had been established.

The corps commander said the army was working on a sustainable development plan for Fata to improve livelihood of locals.

He said the army had been carrying out 52 educational projects in Fata and they included establishment of a cadet college in South Waziristan Agency, Khyber Institute of Technical Education and Waziristan Institute of Technical Education.

Lt-Gen Khalid called for gradual mainstreaming of Fata and said its infrastructure development was imperative for socioeconomic development in the region.

He said the army went to an area for pace at the request of the federal government. He denied that the army consumed eight per cent of the budget and said all three forces i.e. army, navy and air force consumed 17 per cent of the country’s total budget, while the army shared in it was 8.7 per cent.

Chairman of UoP Political Science Department Professor Dr AZ Hilali, whose department organised the seminar, highlighted the importance of the seminar and said it was a sign of solidarity with Pakistan Army, which rendered great sacrifices for peace in the country.

Balochistan's Road towards Prosperity


ISLAMABAD: Whereas the steps being taken by the Pakistan Army for the establishment of peace in Balochistan and to remove the sense of deprivation among people of the province are yielding positive results, the growing Taliban threat has forced the Indian spymasters to shift from Afghanistan to the Gulf states where they are operating as businessmen.

“The steps being taken by the army under the guidance of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to establish peace in Balochistan and remove the sense of deprivation among the people of the province are yielding positive results, causing distress to the Indian intelligence agencies,” an official source said here on Wednesday, requesting anonymity. “A positive change is being witnessed in the thinking of common Baloch people because of the recruitment of Baloch youths in the army and other security institutions on priority basis,” he said.

The source said the worries of the Indian intelligence officials are, however, growing because of the change in thinking of the Baloch youths while the recruitment of the Baloch youths in the army and security institutions on priority basis has saved Pakistan from a battle front, which was more dangerous than Waziristan because lava was boiling there. He said the Indian spying network, which was targeting Balochistan since long, has almost been defeated now because the Balochistan policy of General Kayani has shattered the Indian policy of misleading the Baloch youths. “When he had taken over as the army chief, General Kayani faced the toughest and the biggest challenge of establishing peace in Balochistan and also defeating the Indian campaign of misleading the Baloch youths,” the source said. “General Kayani was extremely serious in addressing the Balochistan problem and he took pragmatic measures, which are now yielding positive results,” he remarked.

The source revealed that the country’s top security agency achieved highly important successes during the past three years but details of those successes could not be made public because of their sensitive nature. He said these successes also helped other security agencies of the country to achieve their goals. He said the powers that wanted to pit the Baloch people against other provinces and national institutions were behind the kidnapping and target killing incidents in the province during the past few years.

“The foreign elements have been involved in planning the killing of passengers of public transport in different cities and districts of Balochistan and the most prominent among these elements were the Indians. The term of Baloch Liberation Army was also introduced by the Indian intelligence agencies because India wanted to infuse into the Baloch youths the hatred against other provinces and the army,” the source said.

“Although the Indians had initially succeeded in their nefarious designs to a great extent and their operations were on their peak following the death of Nawab Akbar Bugti, the strategy devised by General Kayani and implemented by the army to bringing the Baloch people, particularly youths, into the national mainstream has now completely changed the scenario,” he added.

The source pointed out that because of the growing threat of the Taliban attacks, the senior Indian intelligence officers have shifted from Afghanistan to the Gulf states in the vicinity of Balochistan, where they are posing as businessmen and are providing jobs to Baloch youths so as to create afresh an atmosphere of hate in Balochistan. This is the reason that the Pakistani establishment is trying to provide maximum job and business opportunities to Baloch youths to save them from the economic blackmailing of Indians, he remarked.

When contacted by The News for comments, former Inter-Services Intelligence chief Lt Gen (R) Hamid Gul said no doubt General Kayani is doing good work in Balochistan because the situation had worsened in that province during the Musharraf regime. He said that under a long-term policy, General Kayani recruited the Baloch youths in the army and also took other measures on priority basis to address the sense of deprivation among Baloch people.

“However, the president and prime minister too should give priority to Balochistan, as the government and civil institutions have yet much to do there and a short-term policy is also needed because India and the US do not want peace in Balochistan. Therefore, the elimination of the Indian and US influence there is utmost necessary,” he commented.

False Alert?: Mumbai Goes on Alert While ‘Terrorists’Work at Lahore’s Mobile Market


This screenshot from India Today shows the news and pictures of three of the five suspected terrorists who had allegedly sneaked into Mumbai. PHOTO: INDIA TODAY SCREENSHOT


Mumbai Police on Wednesday released photographs of three alleged terrorists, out of five, that it claimed belonged to banned outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and had entered Mumbai.

The three, however, are present in Lahore, with two of them running businesses and one serving as a security guard at the city’s famed electronics market Hafeez Centre.

Terror threat

According to a Times of India report, Indian intelligence agencies warned the Mumbai police that five LeT operatives have sneaked into the city and are plotting to attack vital installations, possibly through the sea route.

The alert was sent on Sunday along with colour photographs of the five terrorists, all of whom are in the age of group of 25-30 years. Following the warning, police commissioner Arup Patnaik called a high-level meeting on security on Monday to discuss heightening of security at important installations, the TOI quoted sources as saying.

A senior police officer who attended the commissioner’s meeting said the central alert declares that the terrorists plan is to “sabotage” key installations close to the coast by “hiring a ferry from the Gateway of India” and “attacking them from the sea.”

The terrorists, the officer added, infiltrated the country earlier by land through the borders of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir. They are carrying on them fake Indian identity cards, copies of which have been sent by central intelligence agencies to the Mumbai police.

Terrorists or traders

The individuals in the photographs, however, are purportedly working at Hafeez Centre and approached the local police station for security after the photographs were released, sources said.

The individuals were identified as businessmen Atif Butt and Mehtab Butt, and security guard Baber.

They approached the president of the shopping mall’s association, Muhammad Fayyaz Butt, who strongly condemned the “irresponsible and biased attitude of India.”

Atif Butt is running a mobile phone business, Sun Mobiles, in shop number 25 at lower ground floor while Mehtab Butt is running a business in the name of Al Hafeez in shop number 26 on the same floor, Fayyaz said while speaking to The Express Tribune late Wednesday night.

Baber performs his duties as a security guard at Hafeez Centre, he added.

Two of the three individuals do not even have a passport, he said, adding that he will raise the issue at all forums.

Criticising Indian authorities for releasing the individuals’ pictures and branding them terrorists, Fayyaz asked the Indian government to apologise immediately.

Pak Army to Launch Offensive in North Waziristan



ISLAMABAD - After the beheading of 13 Pakistani soldiers by the Taliban in Miranshah, Pakistan Army has decided to initiate a targeted offensive in North Waziristan.
US has repeatedly demanded that Pakistan launch an offensive in North Waziristan especially against the so-called Haqqani network. Pakistan has promised to address the concern on Haqqani network but was reluctant to launch a full fledged operation in restive North Waziristan.
However, after this latest incident against Pakistani soldiers, sources told Online, Pakistan Army has decided to launch a targeted operation in North Waziristan in next few days, which would be completely different from the operation launched in Swat.
Sources said that Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani in this regard has consulted Pakistan Supreme Commander Asif Ali Zardari in this regard and taken him into confidence.
Sources confirmed that currently three brigades of Pakistan Army are in North Waziristan who are fighting against militancy. However, the sources, were reluctant to give the final date of the operation but said it could be any time in next few days and likely before the NATO heads summit meeting in Chicago, which is to be attended by Asif Ali Zardari.
After the military offensive in South Waziristan nearly 3000 militants went into hiding in NW.
According to sources, as the weather is becoming warmer the militants are coming down from mountains and are attacking the army soldiers.

'US making Islamabad Scapegoat for Failure to Beat Afghan Insurgency': Pak Army Commander


A top Pakistani military commander has reportedly accused Washington of seeking to make Islamabad a scapegoat for its failure to beat insurgency in Afghanistan.

Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani, the corps commander for Peshawar, during an interview with an American Press agency, said US efforts to talk peace with insurgents in Afghanistan meant Washington can no longer expect Pakistan to attack all militant factions on its side of the border, some of whom Islamabad is also reaching out to.

"Why do they raise their fingers toward Pakistan? It is shifting the blame to others," The Express Tribune quoted Lt. Gen. Rabbani, as saying.

Lt. Gen. Rabbani remarks came a day after militants in North Waziristan killed 13 soldiers, including four that it captured when troops raided a militant hideout.

According to the paper, Lt. Gen. Rabbani defended the government's dealings with North Waziristan-based militant commander Hafiz Gul Bahadur, who is believed to have signed a nonaggression pact with the government, saying "at the moment he seems to be trying to keep himself out of the trouble."

He also stressed that U.S. and NATO were in contact with insurgents in Afghanistan to try and "co-opt them into the peace process."

"Something has to be done, and it's in the offing. North Waziristan is the only region we haven't cleared. It should be done as early as possible," the paper quoted Lt. Gen. Rabbani, as saying. (ANI)

Bramdagh Bugti- The Master-mind of killing Mir Bakhtayar Domki's Wife


The Bharati government has sponsored terror in Balochistan for decades. Solid proof of Delhi’s involvement Anti-Pakistan terror comes from the fact that is has given Bramdagh Bugti an Indian Passport for travel purposes.

Pakistani government has asked the Swiss authorities to reject the plea for political asylum made by Bramdagh Bugti, who heads an outlawed Baloch terrorist group, and extradite him to Pakistan. The Swiss government was that of considering the request.
Bugti, 30, heads the terrorist outfit call the “
Baloch Republican Party.” Bugti has been responsible for attacks against third generation of folks that live in Balochistan. His terror group routinely blows up gas pipelines, government installations and armed forces. Pakistan has handed over the ‘proof’ of his involvement in subversive activities.
Bramdagh Bugti has been on the run since 2006 and at first took refuge in Afghanistan. He stayed in Kabul in the heyday of the Bharati presence there. He directed terror against Pakistan for almost four years from his plush home in Kabul. His stay however a bone of contention with the Karzai government was and almost halted all cooperation with Afghanistan. Bugti’s presence in Afghanistan sparked a diplomatic row between Kabul and Islamabad.

The US and some European countries helped him to relocate to Switzerland. He has been there since October of last year to fortify his group and launch ploys against Pakistan. Conversely, feuding between ‘mari’ and ‘bugti’ tribe cannot be neglected as well due to strong intertribal/ intratribal differences. Recent killing of Mir Bakhtyar’s wife is so evidently executed by Bramdagh Bugti in order to become a successor of Nawab Akbar Bugti and to get ticket of asylum in Switzerland. As per various authentic sources, extra judicial killings and abductions are committed on the behest of Bramdagh Bugti with intent to defame Pakistan Army.

Adiala Jail Detainees- Innocents or Hardcore Terrorists??


RAWALPINDI – A security official while responding to the issue of Adiala jail detainees said that sympathizers of terrorists have forgotten the miseries of those 28 innocent families, who suffered the loss of their loved ones in Hamza Camp attack in which these 11 detainees were arrested. Media should reach out to those families of victims who embraced shahadat at the hands of these Adiala Jail detainees, the security official added.
He said the 11 suspects: DrNiaz Ahmed Saqib, MazharulHaq, ShafiqueurRehman, Abdul Basit, Abdul Saboor, Abdul Majid, Muhammad Amir Khan Khan, Muhammad Shafiq aka Maaz, Tehseenullah, Saeed Arab aka Tariq Gul, Roze Khan aka Farman are hardcore terrorists, who were involved in planning, facilitating and executing suicide attacks on bus near Hamza Camp, on November 24 2007 and Kamra Air Base missile attack on January 15, 2008.

According to sources, on November 24, 2007 Rawalpindi experienced twin suicide attacks on security forces, which killed nearly 30 people and injured dozens more. The first vehicle-borne suicide attack took place at 0749 hours when a suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a 72-seater bus parked in front of ISI’s Hamza Camp (Previously known as Ojhri Camp) on the Murree Road.

According to eyewitnesses, the bus which was carrying ISI officials to their work place was completely burnt. The 28 victims inside the 72-seat bus were burnt beyond recognition and only skeletons were left lying on the seats before any rescue operation could be started.

The Security Official said 11 suspects of Adiala Jail who were detained legally by security agencies are all hard core terrorists who planned and executed Hamza Camp bus attack and GHQ Gate attack on November 24, 2007 and also Kamra missile attack on January 2008.

The Security Official said DrNiaz Ahmed Saqib was the mastermind of Hamza Camp and GHQ attack on November 24, 2011. Trail of this attack which revealed during investigation is nothing less than a suspense movie. DrNiaz was apprehended at Mardan on December 7,2007. He is a resident of AllamaIqbal Colony Rawalpindi. He is an educated man, who has done Masters in Political Science from Punjab University and also qualified himself in homeopathic medicines.

During custody, he admitted that in August 2007, he along with Umar Farooq (Nephew of Ghazi brothers), Mazhar, Nafees and Khalid decided to avenge Lal Masjid operation. DrNiaz also financially assisted Ghazi brothers before security forces lanunched operation in 2007.

To this end Umar Farooq arranged their visit to Wana, South Wazirastan Agency where they met one Aslam who assured them of their full cooperation. On instructions of Aslam they carried out reconnaissance and made movies all targets which included Ojri camp, ISI HQ, Attock Oil Company, ChaklalaCantt, officers colonies. Mazhar took this video to Wana to show it to Yasin aka Aslam. In Mid OctoberDrNiaz with the help of Mazhar arranged two vehicles for targeting GHQ and Hamza Camp. UmerFarooq arranged these vehicles with the help of Abdul Majid, Abdul Basit and Abdul Saboor (3 borthers).

Then ShafiqurRehman transported explosive, anti personnel mines, 70 rounds of mortar, detonator by a Baleno car which was owned by DrNiaz in two trips. All the equipment which was to be used for attack on GHQ and Hamza Camp was received at Misrial road and dumped at newly constructed house of DrNiaz at DhokMustaqeem.

DrNiaz, Mazhar and Khalid prepared both vehicles for suicide attacks at the same house. 45 mortars were placed inside Suzuki Van along with three mines. Similarly 35 mortar rounds alongwith three mines were fitted in Baleno car for the assigned mission. On November 21, ShafiqurRehman brought two suicide bombers from Wana to Rawalpindi. On November 22, DrNiaz asked Noor Muhammad to bring both suicide bombers to ChoorChowk. DrNiaz in his silver Sunny Car drove both the suicide bombers for orientation of the target.

They again went for orientation on November 23, and finalized their programme for next morning. On November 24, 2007 Noor Muhammad handed over one suicide bomber nominated for GHQ with DrNiaz and took other one by taxi for handing over to Mazhar for Hamza Camp. At 0740 hours DrNiaz was informed by Khalid who was at KachehriChowk that a two star had just passed.

Hearing this DrNiaz handed over the Baleno car which was fully charged to a suicide bomber and took a taxi himself and left for Islamabad. He heard a blast enroute to Islamabad. The other suicide bomber who was with Mazhar reached in a Suzuki Van and parked it near PSO Petrol pump on Murree Road and started waiting for ISI bus. After handing over vehicle to a suicide bomber Mazhar also left for I-9 Markaz where DrNiaz was waiting for him. Enroute Islamabad he heard a huge blast.

Another suspect MazharulHaq is resident of I-9 Islamabad and was into rent a car business with the name of ‘Aman Rent a Car’. He joined an extremist group in 1996 and got training at Khalid Bin Waleed Camp. He also worked in Publicity Section of a banned outfit and there he got in contact with DrNiaz. During Lal Masjid episode he helped UmerFarooq (nephew of Ghazi brothers) in transportation of ammunition from Darra. DrNiazalongwithMazharulHaq and Khalid and Nafees used to visit Lal Masjid and helped in preparation of petrol bombs. He got weapon training from UstadMavia at Wana. After completing his training UstadMavia asked to carry out photography of targets at Rawalpindi and gave him money for purchase of a camera. After photography of targets he alongwithNiaz went to Wana and handed over the film to UstadMavia.

Mazhar was throughout helping DrNiaz and party in carrying out preparation for attack on Hamza Camp. He was apprehended on March 28, 2008. Security Official disclosed that another suspect ShafiqueurRehman was apprehended on November 24, 2007. He is a resident of Mardan.

In 1999 Shafique got terrorist training and later joined a terrorist group. In November 2007 he met BaitullahMehsud who dispatched two suicide bombers with him to Rawalpindi.

These suicide bombers were used in attack on Hamza camp and GHQ on November 24. He arrived at Rawalpindi from SWA alongwith two suicide bombers and stayed at a Baithak in Chishtian Abad from November 21 to 24, 2011. These suicide bombers were Mehsood by tribe. One Latif, 27 was tasked to target GHQ while Adnan 20 was to target Hamza Camp. Before he left WanaBaitullahMehsood also gave him Rs 8000 for expenditure on suicidal attack. Shafique remained engaged till last and assisted in reconnaissance of targets by suicidal and later their transportation to sites.

Security Official said that Muhammad Aamir Khan is resident of Rawalpindi. In year 2000 he received training in weapon handling and firing at ReshKhor HUJI training camp Afghanistan.

After training he fought at Mazare Sharif, Afghanistan where he was apprehended by troops of RasheedDostam and shifted to Shabarghan jail where he spent three years. After three years he was handed over to Pakistan authorities and shifted to Peshawar and later Adiala

Jail. He was released on April 4, 2005. He started visiting Lal Masjid and established contacts with Ghazi brothers, DrNiaz and Mazhar and also met UmerFarooq and Abdul Basit. He was apprehended on May 1, 2007 at Rawalpindi while supplying arms, explosive and other material for use in Lal Mosque. He was kept in detention for 3 months and released on bail on August 25, 2007. Immediately after his

release he met Mazhar and DrNiaz and told them that he is expert in explosive handling and wants to avenge Lal Masjid Operation.

He physically participated in preparation of vehicles used for terrorism on GHQ attack 2007 and Hamza Camp ISI vehicle attack. He was apprehended by police in Quetta in 2008. Abdul Majid,AbdulBasit and Abdul Saboor three brothers are resident of Lahore Ichhra. Originally they belong to ToghBala, Kohat. They had contacts with people in Lal Masjid and were involved in all activities of Lal Masjid. Beside their involvement in other extremist activities they were involved in GHQ attack and Hamza Camp.

They helped main accused of the suicide attack Mazhar in purchase of Suzuki van and Baleno car from Lahore which was later used in Hamza Camp and GHQ attack where 30 people were burnt alive. They were apprehended from Lahore on November 27 and 29, 2007. Later Abdul Saboor died in Lady Reading Hospital due to ailment. Abdul Majid has been receiving treatment for his ailment. He is suffering from Urinal Tract infection, anxiety, depression, infected scabies. He was admitted to LRH on January 27, 2012.

Muhammad Shafique was a hard core terrorist who was apprehended on January 20, 2008 for his involvement in Kamra Complex missile attack.
Since January 2007 he had been studying in Haqqania Madrassa, AkoraKhattak. In September 2007 he went to Miranshah for training. After training he went to Paktia, Afghanistan and stayed there for 50 days. On return he became active member of a terrorist group. He was involved in all stages of Kamra Complex missile attack on January 14, 2008 for which 10 missiles were brought from Mohmand agency.

Another suspect of Kamra Complex GulRoze Khan aka Farman. He was apprehended on January 21, 2008 at Chhota Lahore, Swabi. He is a resident of villabgeNabi, Chhota Lahore, Swabi. He was student of Madrassa AkoraKhattak. In early 2006 he went to wana and received terrorist training in weapon handling and grenade throwing. He used to spent his vacation in SWA. He helped in transportation of missiles from Mohmand agency and was physically involved in Kamra Complex attack.

The Official disclosed that Saeed Arab Hussain was another suspect of Kamra complex. He was arrested on January 21, 2008 at Chhota Lahore Swabi. He completed his studies at Madrassa AkoraKhattak. He also underwent terrorist training at Miranshah. All explosive material used in Kamra complex was stored at his place and he is the main harbor and facilitator of Kamra attack. At the time of his arrest 1 vehicle, 1 kk rifle, 1 pistol and 1 hand grenade were also recovered from his possession. He also handed over 16 bags of potassium nitrate to Qasim which were used in making explosive material for attack on Kamra.

TehseenUllah another suspect of Kamra missile attack was apprehended on January 15, 2008 from JehangiraSwabi road. He is a resident of Armourcolony,Nowshera and a student of 7th grade JamiaHaqqania, AkoraKhattak since 2000. He was actively involved in missile attack of Kamra Complex and many other terrorists’ activities.

It is important to remember that the Supreme Court of Pakistan released these hardcore terrorists on technicalities and lack of circumstantial evidence. Despite Pakistan being a victim of countless terror attacks killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people, Pakistan’s courts have failed to convict and hang (as per the death penalty applicable in terror cases) a single terrorist in Pakistan in the last decade.