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Gilani orders Balochistan to Improve Law and Order


QUETTA: Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on Sunday directed the Balochistan chief secretary and home secretary to take steps to improve law and order situation in the province.

Talking to a delegation of Hazara community at Governor's House, the prime minister said that a concerted strategy must be evolved to ensure peace in Balochistan. He said any leniency on part of law enforcers would not be tolerated. He also expressed his sympathies with the families of six people killed in a gun attack in Quetta on Sunday.

Separately, Gilani said he had directed the Balochistan chief secretary to identify 35,000 graduates of Balochistan to be given jobs by the government.

"Fifteen hundred jobs in Federal Levies Force have already been provided to the people of Balochistan," he said while talking to a PPP Balochistan delegation led by its provincial president Mir Sadiq Umrani.

"1,500 more jobs will be created in the Federal Levies Force in Balochistan this year," Gilani said, adding that the government would further recruit 10,000 youth in different departments. Out of them, 5,000 would be sent abroad to acquire required skills in their respective fields, the prime minister added.

He said that under the 18th Amendment, provisional autonomy had been granted to provinces in order to empower them. He said that under the 7th National Finance Commission Award (NFC), the share of Balochistan had reached Rs 120 billion as compared to Rs 40 billion in the past. He said the government had allocated Rs 6 billion to provide scholarships to the youth of Balochistan.


Gen.Kayani Invited to Moscow


Chief of Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kanayi has been invited to visit Moscow and the visit may take place shortly. Gen. Kayani may visit Russian Federation later this month.

It is believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning to visit Pakistan in the second half of this year and his visit may open a new phase of Pakistan-Russian relationship. Early this week Russia’s Special Envoy on Afghanistan Ambassador Zamir Kabulov visited Pakistan and had meetings with Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani and a separate meeting with Gen. Kayani.

Presidents Asif Ali Zardari and Vladimir Putin are expected to meet in China the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Council Summit June 6-7.

Armies of India, Pak biggest hurdle in solving Siachen: Pak minister


ISLAMABAD: Ahead of its key talks with India on the Siachen issue, Pakistan has claimed that the biggest hurdle in resolving the military standoff on the world's highest battlefield are the armies of the two countries.

Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, who was the defence minister till yesterday and has now been given the water and power portfolio in a minor Cabinet reshuffle, said India and Pakistan both stand to benefit from resolving the Siachen issue.

Both countries stood to gain nothing from the standoff on Siachen and the matter only served to satiate egos, he claimed during an interview with BBC Urdu.

He said the only way for India and Pakistan to coexist was to sit at the table and discuss the Siachen issue.

The Pakistani minister claimed that the biggest hurdle in resolving the military standoff on the Siachen glacier are the armies of Pakistan and India.

Senior Indian and Pakistani officials are set to hold talks on the Siachen issue in Islamabad on June 11 against the backdrop of renewed calls from the Pakistani civil and military leadership for the demilitarisation of the world's highest battlefield.

In response to a question, Mukhtar claimed Siachen was Pakistani territory and Pakistan had "responded" when India claimed the glacier.

"We think we can come to an agreement. India wants to talk on the Sir Creek issue first, we want to talk about Siachen first - the same issue of egos," he claimed.

"I think (Pakistan army chief Gen) Ashfaq Parvez Kayani understands this issue better than all of us and will help reach a decision when the time comes."

Asked how the Defence Minister, who is placed higher than the army chief, would allow a subordinate to take a decision, Mukhtar said that "Kayani would offer guidance (and) support, just as the government cooperates and supports the army."

Responding to a question why Pakistan is not making the first move of unilaterally withdrawing its troops to resolve the Siachen issue, Mukhtar contended that India was a big country and Pakistan expects it to demonstrate magnanimity by making the first move.

In response to another question, he said Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh want to resolve the Siachen issue through dialogue.

Indian and Pakistani troops have been engaged in a standoff on Siachen since 1984.

The guns have largely been silent since late 2003, when the two countries put in place a ceasefire along the frontiers in Jammu and Kashmir, and more troops have died on the glacier due to adverse weather than combat.

Since an avalanche killed 139 people at a high-altitude Pakistan Army camp in the Siachen sector in April, security analysts and civil society groups have questioned the deployment of troops in the hazardous terrain

Pak Army - Let Martyred Soldiers Defend Siachen


According to the media reports dead body of a Sep Muhammad Hussain, Shaheed has been recovered on the 50th day of Rescue Operation in Gayari Sector. The soldier’s body would be sent to his native village located near Skardu.

On 7 April 2012 an Avalanche has hit 138 officers, soldiers and civilians at Gayari sector near Siachen Glacier. Lt Col Tanvir Ul Hassan, Maj ZakaUlHaq and Capt HaleemUllah (AMC) are part of the missing soldiers.

The incident occurred at about an altitude of 16,000 feet and 180 miles northeast of Skardu, the capital of Baltistan. President Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, Army Chief, PML (N) leader Nawaz Sharif, COAS General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, leading journalists and media anchors visited Siachen. Whole nation expressed deep sorrow and regret over the “unfortunate snow slide”. The nation has shown solidarity with the aggrieved families of the soldiers and is continuously praying for their survival and safety.

However, the rescue operation is underway and entered into 50th day of the operation. Despite weather hazards, brave Pakistani troops with the help of experts from Germany, Switzerland, Xinhua and sniffer dogs, aided by helicopters and heavy equipment are recklessly trying to find their comrades under 80 feet deep snow after the avalanche engulfed the camp in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

According to ISPR update of May 22, 2012, “clearance efforts continued round the clock at Gayari Sector. Simultaneous efforts are being undertaken to tackle effects of water on the site in the shape of pondages, cutting and crevasses. The water has started draining and has resulted into quick reduction of water level in the lake to the tune of 27 feet”.

“Excavation work has resumed its full pace despite difficulties posed by seepage of the water at the sites, hazards of crevasses / cutting by water and sinking effects for plant equipment”.“Meanwhile during physical inspection of the area, some equipment was found”.

Notably, COAS General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is directly looking after the rescue efforts and being courageous commander determined to excavate each inch of the area in the search of his brave soldiers. I, being his cadet and retired commander of “The Volunteers” (an infantry unit that served in Siachen Sector) can visualize the importance of search of the bodies of martyred soldiers for their comrades and families. But still, as fighter, familiar with the circumstances where many soldiers laid their lives in the war zones and area like Siachen but still their bodies did not recover or traced out due to topography, unfavorable environmental conditions and weather hazards. It doesn’t mean that soldiers do not remember their comrades or nation forget its heroes those scarified their lives for their tomorrows. But, I would only say that while viewing the efforts of rescue operation, we must consider the ground realties too. Moreover, being Muslims, we fully convinced and have full faith that person who gets martyr in Allaha’s path, will remain alive and never dies. Thus, it would not be wrong in saying that soldiers who had scarified their lives for us would be taken as everlasting invisible guardian of Pakistan’s territorial boundaries. I also know that some loves one of the missing soldiers of Gayari Sector are in the opinion that now search of the bodies of missing personnel be stopped and they should be declared as Shaheed (martyr) since it is difficult to fight the nature.

On May 3 2012, father of Major Zaka, who came under avalanche accompanied COAS during his visit to Siachen, while talking to journalist appreciated the efforts of troops participating in rescue operation. He also stated that he is proud of his son and other soldiers who scarified their lives. According to ISPR press release, at that occasion, COAS remained with the troops for some time and lauded their motivation in face of tough conditions and extreme weather. He appreciated their resolve to upkeep Army’s proud tradition of not leaving a man behind, until humanly possible, regardless of cost.

Anyhow, being one of the old warriors of Siachen, I know that after passing 50 days the chances of survival of soldiers buried under 80 feet of snow are very rare and meager. By now, the dead bodies might also be started decomposition because of natural phenomena.

Moreover after two months time the temperature will again start decreasing which will definitely make the snow harder and harder. I would like to suggest here that “Let Martyred Soldiers should stay there to Defend Siachen” and now army should start taking steps of compensation of the aggrieved families while declaring their loves one as martyred. Moreover over, in the honor of country’s defenders, Army should build a memorial in Gayari sector. The memorial will keep us reminding about our brave soldiers those are there to defend our territories.

I would also like to mention few words of Indian Army Chief Interview of May 26 2012. In this interview, he instead acknowledging and giving serious thoughts over Pakistani COAS to de-militarize Siachen area rejected the same while considering his troops in the better deployment position where as it just amount to live in fool paradise. Indian Chief must consider the weather hazards and expenditures incurring on Siachen Issue. He should not forget his causalities which are more than Pakistani casualties.

Pentagon Says al-Qaida Still has Safe Haven Inside Afghanistan


WASHINGTON — The Pentagon says al-Qaida still enjoys safe haven in some areas of eastern Afghanistan, and its presence worries the top American commander there.

Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby says Wednesday that al-Qaida has found places it can plan and train, but he was not specific about its locations.

Kirby was responding to questions about the announcement that the U.S.-led NATO force had killed al-Qaida’s second-ranking leader in Afghanistan in an airstrike in eastern Kunar province, which borders Pakistan. He says “any number” of al-Qaida in Afghanistan is a matter of concern for Marine Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces there.

Pak Army's Staunch Efforts for Prosperity in Balochistan


QUETTA – The development and prosperity of Balochistan will contribute towards a peaceful and progressive Pakistan, and the Army would continue to play its part in the security of the country, said Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani during his visited Sui Cantonment Monday.

He inaugurated Military College and also announced establishment of Education City in Sui. The Governor and the Chief Minister Balochistan inaugurated Academic Block and Hostel of Balochistan Public School, Sui respectively. A large number of parliamentarians, Baloch tribal elders, military officials and locals were present at the occasion.

The governor and the Chief Minister Balochistan appreciated the efforts of the Army in bringing education and social development to remote areas of Balochistan.

In his address, the COAS spoke about various projects initiated by the Pakistan Army, with the support of locals and the provincial government. In the education field, he said that presently 22,786 Baloch students are studying in the Army- and Frontier Corps-run educational institutions. In addition, 4,268 Baloch students are benefitting from Chamlang Beneficiary Education Programme, whereas 662 Baloch students are studying in reputed institutions of other provinces.

To enhance technical skills of Baloch youth for better job opportunities, Balochistan Institute of Technical Education (BITE) managed by the Pakistan Army, has thus far trained 1,673 individuals. In this regard, Gwadar Institute of Technical Education will also start functioning soon. The COAS hoped that establishment of Education City at Sui will open new avenues for the development and prosperity in remote areas of Balochistan. With regards to Army’s contributions in development of other social sectors in Balochistan, the COAS mentioned about Chamlang Project which created job opportunities for approx 74,052 locals. Besides, a 50 bed hospital is being constructed at Sui under Army’s supervision and with the support of Pakistan Petroleum Limited, to improve health facilities in the area.

Pak Army Launched Operation Koh-e-Safaid 2


Building a ray of hope in the darkness, The Pakistan Army has successfully completed its Tri Star operations in FATA including Operation Koh-e-Safaid 2 in its adjacent agencies and in Swat to flush out terrorists. Pakistan’s military has finally managed to dismantle militant bases in this critically important region, famous for its rebel movements and legendary tales of resistance.

The successful completion of an army operation against a band of militants in the region, Pakistan’s military chief, General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani visit to Orakzai marked the end of the military operation in the region, and that people displaced due to the war could expect to return to their homeland soon. Army Chief Visit to Orakzai Agency marks the successful conclusion of operations in the agency. He appreciated the professional conduct of the operation which has cleared the agency of terrorists and encourages his soldiers.

Operation Koh-e-Sufaid had been launched to clear the area of militants whose fighting had increased the incidence of sectarian killings, kidnapping, and extortion in the agency. Pakistan army was also taken very peacefully into Khyber agency and “No-go areas” such as Kurram agency. Pakistan army gained control of Orakzai Agency. By the grace of Allah security forces have secured Malakand and Swat from all directions and very soon the dislocated people of these areas will be going back to their homes.

Pakistan Army has completed the offensive in the tribal region of South Waziristan. The successful military offensive earlier this year in the Swat Valley against militants led by a local radical cleric. There was strong public support for the offensive in South Waziristan.

The Pakistan Prime Minister paid rich tributes to Jawans and Officers of Pakistan Army and personnel of law enforcement agencies who embraced martyrdom for their country and nation in the operation.

Proud To Pakistan Army. Pakistan Zindabad!!!